We provide many services to the IT industry, such as Help Desk support, Internet and Intranet development, and database services and management. Below is a partial listing of the services we provide.
Your help desk is a vital part of your company. If someone in your company has become unproductive because of a technology issue, you are losing money every second that person can't perform his or her job. We provide help desk software to track common problems and to analyze that data to see if the problem relates to hardware, software, or training. If the problem relates to training, we provide on-site or off-site training for your staff. We even have online courses for those interested in using their true down time or for "lunch and learn classes" and for before or after work seminars. If it's a hardware problem, we'll identify the nature of the problem right down to the individual part. If it's a software problem, we'll go in and rewrite the software subroutines if necessary to get the product to work as you intended. We provide all levels of support for help desk analysts and managers, system analysis, and technical trainers.
Typical tasks we perform in this area:
Today, a company cannot survive without a Web presence. We will provide you with all the services you need regarding HTML/XTHML, XML (Extensible Markup Language), JavaScript, Java, and ASP (Active Server Pages). We can provide you with all the e-commerce tools you need to run your business successfully on the Web. We handle all aspects of client/server technology. We not only get your servers up and running, we keep them that way with no downtime. We know that every second of lost business can have a negative effect on your bottom line. Our business is to keep you in business.
Typical tasks we perform in this area:
Networking continues to be in high demand on all levels. In addition to installing new hardware and software to keep your network up to date, we also are deeply involved in maintaining network security. In this day of high-profile security breaches, the importance of having 100% reliable network security cannot be greater. We are experts at preventing network intrusion. We feel it is better to be proactive rather than reactive. In addition to the obvious loss of productivity from down time because of computer intrusion or disruption, it's the intangible costs, — the loss of reputation and consumer confidence in your company's ability to provide secure network transactions — that are paramount. We can address all your security needs to identify threats both inside and outside your company.
Typical tasks we perform in this area:
Your business depends on its databases for its livelihood. We can provide you with database hardware and software installation. In addition, we can convert from legacy systems to contemporary database systems. We are experts in devising e-commerce solutions. We also have great expertise in setting up database software for human resources, sales management, contact management, asset management, inventory management, plant management, and e-commerce. Security is also of great concern with your databases, so we will train your staff in the software needed to lock up your data from intrusion.
Typical tasks we perform in this area:
Successful project management is critical to your company's success. We know that. From the planning session to the execution stage, you need to be able to determine whether your project is on task or not. We can provide you with the proper software for all aspects of project management, including PERT and Gantt charts.
Typical tasks we perform in this area:
Please call us at: 890-204-3333