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Furr a Good Cause

Animal Rescue and Adoption Center

Adopt-a-Thon Dates Announced

Furr a Good Cause is pleased to announce that our next quarterly Adopt-a-Thon will be held the weekend of June 5 and 6. As you probably are aware, we have been entrusted with the care of several puppies that recently have received a great deal of media attention. Of course, we are speaking about the puppies that were rescued from the May 6 Martindale fire. Those puppies will not be available for adoption during the Adopt-a-Thon weekend. Due to the overwhelming response we have had to adopt these pups, we have decided to hold a lottery for those lucky people who are interested in adopting the Yorkie pups that were orphaned as a result of this tragic event. One of the pups is still recovering and will not be placed for adoption until further notice. Please revisit this Web site on June 1 to learn when the lottery will take place and how you may participate in the lottery. We will have many breeds of cats and dogs up for adoption during the June Adopt-a-Thon.

Pet Readiness for You

We are ready for you to adopt a pet, but are you ready to be a responsible pet owner? It's easy to fall in love with a kitten or puppy at first sight, but please be aware that pet ownership has a great deal of responsibility. During the winter, it is common for us to receive pets that were given as gifts over the holiday season. While we strive to seek adoption for all of the animals we have, we know that it is better for the pet and the prospective owner if the adoption occurs only if the pet owner is ready to assume the responsibility that goes along with pet ownership. Pets need to be taken care of and loved. Before you decide to adopt a pet, take these factors into consideration:

Wellness Classes

Your pet's health is your concern and ours. We want to make sure that all our adoptions are successful ones. The pets you adopt are fully-vaccinated as of the date of adoption, but be mindful that additional vaccinations and checkups for your pet will be needed. As such, we are sponsoring pet wellness classes during the month of June. Classes will be held each Tuesday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. We'll cover topics such as appropriate diet for each stage of your pet's life, how to give your pet proper exercise, and what type of care will be required for your pet by a veterinarian. We'll also give you tips on how to spot potential health problems with your pets. Find out more information about our Pet Care Center today.

New Options for Donations

Of course, we welcome donations at any time. Donations may be made through credit card or by check only. As much as we need your support, please do not donate via cash or money order. We now have several new options for you to support Furr a Good Cause. You can donate items for our monthly auctions. We accept such items as paintings, antiques, artwork, and jewelry. Please note that we are temporarily suspending the donations of automobiles.

Our latest option for becoming a sponsor is to donate part – or all – of your estate. Please come to our Donation Center office to learn more about the legal requirements to do so. We are also creating a Welcome Walk. The walkway leading to the main building entrance will have a brick path, where you can have your name inscribed on a brick. To have a brick with your name inscribed, you must donate at least $100. Every contribution you make is important. Thanks to donors like you, we rescue hundreds of pets each year that would have been euthanized at other types of shelters. Your donations allow us to continue the goal of animal rescue and shelter.

Volunteers are Always Needed

We are always looking for people who can assist our staff on a part-time or full-time basis. We welcome students and retirees. Volunteers help keep our costs down. The savings we make from volunteer work allows us to spend our dollars on the essential services that we provide. If you have between 4 and 40 hours a week to help assist us with the operation of our pet adoption center, you are more than welcome to apply for a position. If you are a veterinarian who would like to donate a few hours each week to assist us in our cause, please contact us to arrange for a fixed or variable schedule. Please volunteer your time to help us make a positive difference in the lives of the pets we shelter. To learn more about how you can help the pet population, contact the ASPCA for more information.

Contact Us

288 244-4566

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