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Little Known Holidays

We all know the big holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and more. On this site we have listed a number of little known holidays—some you may have never heard of!

Trivia Day

January 4th

We all know what trivia is. Well Trivia day is an opportunity to share those many little trinkets of trivia with others. Have fun telling them to your friends and family today!

Groundhog Day

February 2nd

No, this is not about the movie. According to legend, if it is a sunny day and the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter so he then returns to his den and goes back to sleep. If it is cloudy and he cannot see his shadow, he plays around outside of his hole for a while and we can be assured that spring is just around the corner.

Singles Awareness Day

February 15th

Single? This is the day to be proud of it and let the world know you are unattached.

April Fools Day

April 1st

This is the day to play a trick on someone you know. When they fall for it you yell "Aprils Fools!" The challenge is to carry out a trick that is believable, if only for a little while. This is most successful if done earlier in the day before a person is wise to what is going on. It is lots of fun with younger children.

Flag Day

Always June 14th

Flag Day is the day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our flag, its designers and makers. After all, it is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation; one nation, under God, indivisible. So display the flag today and every day with pride!

Hammock Day

July 22nd.

It is time to slow down and to relax and there is no better place to slow down and relax, than on a hammock. Getting out of your hammock to get a snack, or your favorite summer beverage is okay. But, it is not a day for work. No chores.

National Watermelon Day

August 3rd

Watermelons are one of summer's favorite fruit. It is standard fare at picnics. Mostly water, but it sure tastes good. And, what picnic would be complete without a seed spitting contest?

Left Hander's Day

August 13th

The world is made for right-handed people. Even your mouse is right-handed! If you are a Leftie, then today is just for you!

National Grandparent's Day

First Sunday after Labor Day

Mon's and Dad's have their special days, so today is set aside to honor our grandparents. It is time to celebrate those special people who are always there with a hug, a kiss, a cookie, something special, or to take us somewhere.

Sweetest Day

Third Saturday in October

Got someone who is sweet and special? Today is the day to recognize them. It does not matter who that person is, or what their relation to you. They just have to be "sweet" in order to get a little recognition.

Sadie Hawkins Day

November 13th

On this day, a race is held and all the single men are given a short head start. If a woman catches her man, he has to marry her. It can occasionally be seen celebrated on college campuses. This holiday actually originated from Al Capp's "Lil Abler Cartoon in the 1930'sa cartoon.

National Fruitcake Day

December 27th

Have got a fruitcake someone gave you for Christmas? Well now that the holidays are over, it is time to get rid of it. Giving a fruitcake is a Christmas tradition for many. It is also believed that recipients will re-wrap the fruitcake and give it to someone else. Today is the day to do just that!

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